The Spaces

In the UK we produce around 350,000 tonnes of waste per year which end up in landfill sites. With our increasing global population and generally increasing need for space and resources, this issue can be seen as one of our most pressing matters to date. By partnering with us as a site owner, you can get compensated to become a part of the solution!

What We Have Here for You

We have our recycling bins in various locations including Pubs, Local Shops, Post Offices, Schools, Community Centres, Petrol stations, Mosques, Churches & Many More!

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

How often will I be paid?

We provid you with monthly rental payments.

How often are the sites emptied?

Sites inspected at least once per week.

What if valuable items are left?

24/7 FREE hotline for removal of valuable items

Do I need to be on Premises During Collections?

No, not unless the bin is located in a locked space on your premises.

What if the bin gets full?

Each of our bins are fitted with sensors which feed us with information regarding each bin. These allow us to know exactly when they are full and empty them accordingly. We are pride ourselves on being pioneers with this initiative helping us to ensure that our bins never overflow keeping all sites our bins are situated in tidy at all times.

How long will the bin be here for?

We operate on a 1 year term and you can opt out after the 1 year with no charge. Alternatively you can renew our contract with us.

Does this help the community?

Yes! Recycling helps not only the local community but also the waste management services and the environment by allowing us to have a bin in your premises we ease the waste burden on these services.

How can I guarantee recycling to the bin?

Your site can be registered on Google as a place to recycle textiles bringing more customers to your business as well.

What if I don’t want the bin here anymore?

Guarantee to remove the bank in no more than 7 days if asked to do so